Thursday, July 24, 2008

Song Bird Morning

I've been thinking about my Dad today. His mother, my grandmother G, too. They both had Alzheimer's Disease. Dad has been gone since November 2006, and Grandma since October 1989. In the future, I'll share what prompted my thoughts.
Last Christmas, I shared a special story of how God comforted me at the time Dad needed to go live in a care facility. You can read it here.
I told of having a sleepless night after we took Dad to the facility and rising at first light to go outside with my camera. This is another story of encouragement from that time.

I was at the farm I grew up on. The pre-dawn rural landscape was beautiful. The cheerful song of a bird drew me away from the house and down the gravel road. I finally spotted the bird in the shrubs that grew along the fence line of a soybean field. The sky was rich with color. My heart swelled as I took pictures of that beautiful singer. God reminded me that day, every day, is a day He made. Regardless of the circumstances, He is worthy of praise. Though my heart was breaking that Dad was separated from his wife, his home & all that was familiar, I could still find joy. While taking time to enjoy God's creation and praising Him, thanking Him, I was given the gift of joy.

This picture reminds me of that gift.


Fannie said...

You were given the gift of joy! Cheerful song bird. I can see why the images in my art resonates with you--piano keyboard, music, bird, houses, etc.

Thank you so much for sharing, Regina. Bless you.

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Regina, thank you so much for leaving a comment on Robin's Nesting Place.
You are so creative and talented! Congratulations on getting your painting displayed in the state fair.

My mother-in-law has Alzheimer's. We took care of her for seven years before we had to put her in a care facility. It was so difficult to do. She is still alive eleven years after her diagnosis. Thankfully, hers has been very slow progressing.

Wurzerl said...

Hi Regina, I lost my husband in October 2007 and my father (with an agressive Alzheimer) in May this year. When I'm in the nature and I would hear your bird I would think to my husband, when I hear something about sport like the Olympic Games in China I think to my father, when I thint to God, I think to both!
The life is always a great secret and this is a good thing!!!
Wish you a peaceful great week