Joy Journal February 2013: The Art of Appreciation |
In my last post I introduced you to my journal page titled "Comfort". Our
Joy Journal assignment was to document a moment from this year for which we were grateful. Something like that can be hard to capture on a page, especially when it is personal.
I'm working on loose smooth bristol pages I prepared to bind once my journal is completed. I started by writing my thoughts with pencil on the page.
A few swipes of watercolor paint washed over my journaling. |
One of my uncles passed away very suddenly last month. Then I got sick and wasn't able to go to the funeral. When it really hit me that I wasn't going to be well enough to attend the services, I was so very sad. My sweet husband was there to comfort me.
Used tea bags applied to page with matte medium. |
I can't tell you how much tea I drank last month. I started with a basket overflowing with a variety of teas. Now there is a lot of space in the basket. ;-)
The journal challenge asked us to collage on our page for texture and variety. I like using tea bags because they are translucent and stained.
After the page dried, I added a bit more teal and rusty colored paint using Golden Fluid Acrylics.
Wall paper hearts, a tea bag label and doodled shape collaged on page. |
I have old wall paper books that I got for free at the paint store a few years ago. They are good for inspiring textures and shapes. Sometimes I even remember to use them for collage as I did for the hearts on the page. Hearts go with comfort, right?
You never know when your doodles will come in handy! |
Since I drank so much tea during my illness, I thought a cup of tea would be a good symbol for the page. (Bigelow Vanilla Chai is delicious with honey and milk.)
While doodling rows of heart chains I started to image the cup shape. I tore it out to collage on the page. The string of the tea label is attached under the cup, but the rest of it is loose.
Caran d'Ache crayons used to color the cup and add handle. |
The Caran d'Ache crayons are water soluble. I blended and sealed them with acrylic matte medium. I also used them to add shadowing around the hearts to help them merge into the background.
Faber Castell Pitt markers were also used for shading and the bit of journaling I added under the cup.
When working on a sealed surface, you can easily blend them by rubbing with your finger.
The white lettering was done with a Sakura Permopaque marker and then outlined with a FC Pitt marker. The red heart was done with a Sakura Glaze Pen.
The finished page. |
I wish I had done more pages that remind me of special moments which can easily pass by and be taken for granted. Today I was standing at the kitchen sink really enjoying my first cup of water for the day. The sun was sparking like diamonds on the crisp fresh snow. It occurred to me that I should write about it, so I did. I grabbed a fresh page for my journal and now that moment is documented. I even started adding color.
But the rest of the story is for another day and another post.
1 comment:
Regina, this is so lovely. I like hearing all the details of your life mixed in with the steps of the page. So rich with meaning. Looking forward to your sharing about the sparkling snow.
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