Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Signs of Spring

Yesterday I took a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine and capture signs of spring. We have a grouping of old fashioned lilac bushes that promise to be loaded with blooms in a few weeks. Seeing the multitude of tight groups of buds was thrilling. The lilacs came from shoots that we harvested from hubby's parents' plants. They had started their lilac hedge from shoots that came from their parents. I love the connection to family in our yard.

Not so thrilling was the realization of how much work awaits me. Our largest perennial bed needs a lot of clean up. I need to make a temporary home for some perennials from a bed next to the house. We'll be replacing siding and windows in a few weeks. I don't want my hostas and siberian irises to be trampled. Several years ago, one of my sisters gave me divisions from her garden. When I think of us moving from this property one day, I have a hard time thinking of leaving my plants behind since the majority have a tie to family.
I'll share more of my treasures in the weeks to come. I also have an update on the graphite portrait to post once I scan it.

1 comment:

Fannie said...

Thanks for sharing your photo. Reminds me of the beauties I have in my garden and the work "I" need to do. Let's see . . . art, weeding, . . . art, weeding . . .

I look forward to seeing more of your upcoming treasures.