Thursday, June 5, 2008

Faith Hope & Love 1 - Tulips

Yesterday I took an hour to finish this painting. Tonight I cut mats and framed it with help from Hubby. Now it will be ready to display at Friday's Art Walk in Ames (see my last post).
This was done with acrylic on watercolor paper. I started by writing most of "The Love Chapter" which is a popular name for the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians in the Bible. Originally I planned to have some of the text show through layers of glazing, but it was lost under the many layers I built up.

The tulips were painted on ATC sized paper that I prepared with a layer of Golden Fiber Paste. I love the texture it added. The ATC's were adhered to the background with heavy gel medium.

I plan to do more paintings that are inspired by this Scripture. I studied and meditated on these words very seriously before I married my husband almost 27 years ago. I was very challenged by the message and realized it was not in my own power to live up to them. So my prayer was that God would work in me to help me love my husband the way this chapter describes. I haven't always lived up to the standard, but it is still my goal.
I recently started thinking about these words again. I've been journaling some of my thoughts and jotting down ideas for future paintings. But the execution of those ideas will have to wait until we get a lot more work done on our house.


Anonymous said...

Dear Regina,

What an interesting and original interpretation, congratulations !
I also wish to thank you for the kind comments that you posted on my blog. It is a pleasure to share ideas and opinions about art with someone like you !

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Regina.

I hope this rain doesn't hinder the work on your house too much!

Are you getting a lot done for Marshalltown? I hope they place us near each other!


Teresa Mallen said...

Hi Regina,

I saw your comment on Cindy's blog regarding your work done in coloured pencil on black paper. I thought I would stop by for a visit. I am enjoying reading your blog entries. I love the colours in the 'wide' piece as well as in this tulip one. I also really like your ear rings, especially the Venetian Glass ones! I also admire your use of Golden products. This is something I would like to explore for fun sometime.

I look forward to seeing what you create next!

PJ said...

What wonderful work and how neat that it comes from what you are meditating on! Great inspiration! Nice blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment today! I've been wondering how the house project is coming.

I "love" the love verses as well. The are so deep and true.

The fiber paste sounds like fun to work with. I'm going to add it to my list of "would like to have art supplies." :) That list never seems to get smaller.

Leah said...

love the tulip painting!! the texture is fantastic.

Joan said...

Thank you for reminding me of the 'love chapter'... I too, feel as if I fall short some days.

This is a lovely interpretation, and I would really love to see one with scripture shining through!!

thinking of you...
