A few weeks ago I was inspired to make this painting. The funny thing is that I was thinking of the word "Failure". I mistakenly thought failure was the challenge word for Illustration Friday. I quickly sketched my idea and thought about how I'd execute the painting. Later, when I was at my computer, I was reminded that the word for the week was "forgotten". I did do an interpretation of forgotten in my journal & shared that for IF. I started this painting that week and have just completed it.
When I was thinking about failure, I remembered Peter, the disciple of Jesus, who declared he would not fall away from Jesus. Jesus told him that Peter would deny him three times that night before the cock crowed. Jesus was taken away by soldiers and Peter did fall away, just as Jesus said he would. Peter wept bitterly.
I'd like to think that I wouldn't fail like Peter did, but I know better. It's so easy to make prideful promises or statements. But when things get tough, that's when I'm tested. I have known failure.
After Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected from the dead, he appeared to Peter and the other disciples. The wonderful thing is that even though Peter failed, he was forgiven and restored to fellowship with Jesus. I'm grateful that there is forgiveness and restoration for me, too. (Matthew 26 and John 21.)
When I was thinking about failure, I remembered Peter, the disciple of Jesus, who declared he would not fall away from Jesus. Jesus told him that Peter would deny him three times that night before the cock crowed. Jesus was taken away by soldiers and Peter did fall away, just as Jesus said he would. Peter wept bitterly.
I'd like to think that I wouldn't fail like Peter did, but I know better. It's so easy to make prideful promises or statements. But when things get tough, that's when I'm tested. I have known failure.
After Jesus was crucified, died and resurrected from the dead, he appeared to Peter and the other disciples. The wonderful thing is that even though Peter failed, he was forgiven and restored to fellowship with Jesus. I'm grateful that there is forgiveness and restoration for me, too. (Matthew 26 and John 21.)
This painting was done with acrylic on illustration board. I started by using gel medium to adhere used tea bags to the illo board. The tea bags were dried, opened and emptied of the tea. A few bits of tea remained on some of the papers. After this layer dried, I loosely sketched the rooster and started painting. I added verses from Matthew 26 taken from an old paperback Bible. The caption was done with acrylic paint. The finished work is 10" x 10". The image here is slightly cropped because of the size of my scanner bed. I framed it simply with a narrow black frame.
This painting is available for purchase. Contact me for details.