Saturday, August 14, 2010

GPP Crusade No. 43: Text Messaging

The latest challenge by Michelle Ward for the GPP Crusade gave me the opportunity to use ephemera I saved from the office.
As in the last crusade, I started with a page previously monoprinted from an earlier crusade. I softened the color with a wash of gesso. I tore strips from security envelopes that had been washed with acrylic ink.

When I decided some stenciled lettering would be nice, the stencil I grabbed had bumps on the back. It was designed for tracing. So I just flipped it and stenciled with a dry brush as usual. This reversed the letters, but I was just going for the color and pattern. I think having the letters reversed worked to adantage in this case.

We get a regular stream of URGENT NOTICE junk mail at the office.
This page gave me an opportunity to vent a bit with my journaling. People are very brazen with this phrase to use scare tactics to urge you to buy goods and services you don't need.


Mona said...

Great idea to use the security envelopes and I like the texture.

michelle ward said...

Regina - this is fab! Love that you stepped out your process. The security patterns are a clever layer under the *urgent* messages - those things annoy me too. So unneccessary to freak us out with threatening phrases! I love that you used your lettering stencil backwards - I like to do that too (and upsidedown) just to get some noise in the background. Thanks for sharing this page!!

goudenregen said...

What a great way to use junk mail! Love the result, thanks for sharing how you did it.

lena-dailyscrap said...

Great work! Love your ephemera! and the orange journaling is really effective...

Anonymous said...

We get "urgent" mail at work too, which is usually anything but urgent! Love that you used the stencil backwards, it looks great.

creativelenna said...

I really like seeing your process and love the text you used! it all works together really well.

Brigitte aka Scrappassie said...

Fantastic way to get rid of that aweful mail ;-) Love it !

Janet said...

LOVE this! The backwards lettering is wonderful....I'm going to remember that little trick!

Maureen Reynolds said...

I got a kick out of this one Regina. Great way to vent! (And I am so glad I am retired...and no longer hear peoples' Urgent! complaints.)

iHanna said...

They are selling stuff with those headlines? How strange, I would think it would be from the police if I got a mail serious looking like that. But the text and envelope patterns look great, so good that you could use them!

Cruise on girl!

Anonymous said...

Loved the text you used and I have been saving those envelopes as well.

Neha finney said...

love the opening verse!