Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Hope Journal Entries

I packed up my journal kit before heading out for our Thanksgiving travels. I hadn't worked in my "HOPE" journal for several weeks. Over the past several months, I used up odds and ends of paint from other projects to give several pages a base color.
For the above page, I cut up strips from a greeting card catalog and adhered them with a glue stick as Hubby drove along the interstate. Then I added sharpie pen and white marker accents to the border I created. Last night I painted the word hope with Golden fluid acrylic. When it was dry, I added the same marker accents plus some metallic gel pen.

This page had some Golden absorbent ground mixed with cobalt teal paint that I smeared on with a palette knife. While it was still damp, I pressed a tree stamp into the ground. That was done several months ago.
I found that Prismacolor Pencils work WONDERFULLY on this ground. I had to use very little pressure to lay down color. It was easy to add multiple layers of color. I used a Pitt brush marker for the lettering. I worked on this page while my brother-in-law prepared breakfast. It was relaxing to color while we chatted about family.
I keep a folder with hope quotes in my journaling tote. That makes it easy to find inspiration for my pages.
It had been my intention to work on this journal more frequently this year & thought it would be complete long ago. But it was nice to have this to come back to after spending so much time on other things. I haven't selected a topic for next year. I might not until I get this journal done.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Your cover and your tree page look great. I am going to start a journal in January so I am looking everywhere to get inspiration ideas and how to's. Thanks for giving details.