Saturday, August 30, 2008

One Year Birthday of My Blog!

I had hoped to celebrate with a little more hoop-la, but my focus is on the house project.

I'm approaching my 100th post, so I'll plan on doing something special when I get there. I hope you'll keep checking back.

In the meantime, I've posted an image that I manipulated with Photoshop Elements. I really love playing with the filters & other tools in the program and I should do it more often.


Susan Tuttle said...

How cool! Happy 100th post!


Anonymous said...

Stunning creation!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a yummy image, luscious colors! Happy blogoversry!

Andrea Rooks said...

I was going to say "happy birthday," but then I saw the "happy blogoversary" comment, and I really liked that, so happy blogoversary! Here's to many more creative endeavors and adventures :)